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Basic Snail
Intel Xeon Processors
Unlimited CPU Cores
2GB DDR4 Ram
35GB SSD Storage
Unlimited Players 10Tbps+ DDOS Mitigation
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Available Addons
Rapid Hosting Support will give you personal support with your fivem server or any service you may buy from us. This includes helping with TxAdmin sql files and being able to connect to your server properly.
$15.00 USD One Time
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Rapid hosting will charge a $100 dollar one time fee and we will setup your server for you with all the necessary scripts,Mlo’s and vehicles you may need. Note: Max 10 Scripts, Max 10 MLO's, Max 1 Car Pack, Max 1 Framework
$100.00 USD One Time
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Additional FiveM DDOS Protection for your VPS with custom firewall filters to protect from attacks
$10.00 USD Monthly
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Dedicated IP $3/ Monthly - CosmicGuard Access For Firewall
$3.00 USD Monthly
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